August 11, 2009

TN Professional Photographers Conference

We are honored to be member of the Tennessee Professional Photographers Association. This week we participated in the Summer Conference and took six 4 hour classes with the most talented photographers in the United States. It is such a privledge to learn from seasoned peers who have worked in the business 10-25 years. They are so willing to share their knowledge and guidance for the good of our industry it is just awesome. Photographers are some of the most generous and loving people in the world. Often people who are interested in a photography career ask us what to do to get started- the answer is EDUCATION and membership to PPA & TN PPA or the chapter in whatever state you live in.
Here are the names of people we suggest you go to for seminars. They all have so many degrees and awards there are too many to list.

Michael Taylor - M.S. Brooks Institute -Kodak Icon, recognized world-wide
Randly McNeilly - has 6 Master of photography degrees
Will Crockett- 29 years experiance
Mary Fisk-Taylor M. Photog., Cr., CPP, ABI, API
Jamie Hayes M. Photog. Cr., CPP, ABI
Monica Sigmon M.Photog. CPP

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